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During Covid I noticed the profound role that trauma plays in the way we lead and create culture for entire organizations. I started focusing on healing with my clients, retraining in trauma informed methods. 

My services now include Healing Sessions and therapeutic retreats that meet the deeper needs of leaders so they can move forward in wholeness, health, and true freedom. 

Traditionally, I have helped leaders become more secure, confident, and self-aware, empowering them to fight for the highest possible good of those they lead. I’ve come alongside leaders to co-create equity-based systems by reclaiming agency, voice, and choice for every member of the community.

About Me

With a background in counseling, Neuro-Linguistic Programing, UN Peace Certification in Innovation and Leadership, and a Master’s Degree in Global Leadership, and now Emotional Mastery, Anxiety and Panic Programs, and The Clearing Method, I bring a healing presence to my coaching and leadership consulting.

I have satisfied my craving for going deeper with my clients and the results are showing up as more joy and inner peace, more authentic leadership, less toxicity, and greater influence. 


On a more personal level, I lose time when I am engaging in my art: collaging, glass fusion, painting. I love long walks in nature and experiencing the diverse cultural perspectives that come with travel.

During Covid I noticed the profound role that trauma plays in the way we lead and create culture for entire organizations. I started focusing on healing with my clients, retraining in trauma informed methods. 

My services now include Healing Sessions and therapeutic retreats that meet the deeper needs of leaders so they can move forward in wholeness, health, and true freedom. 

About Me

Traditionally, I have helped leaders become more secure, confident, and self-aware, empowering them to fight for the highest possible good of those they lead. I’ve come alongside leaders to co-create equity-based systems by reclaiming agency, voice, and choice for every member of the community.

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